Success for the Great Science Share for Schools
The Great Science Share for Schools has won the Charity of the Year award from Chemicals Northwest.
The campaign, pioneered by the Science and Engineering Education Research & Innovation in the Faculty of Science & Engineering, was shortlisted for the award alongside five other charities.
The Great Science Share for Schools is a national campaign aimed to inspire young people into science and engineering. It aims to engage young people in sharing their science with new audiences. This year marks an increased national roll out of the campaign, with schools from Glasgow to Guernsey signed up to be involved. The Great Science Share for Schools will focus around the 19 June 2018 campaign day, when the success of reaching 10,000 children last year will be built on through a partnership with the BBC Terrific Scientific Campaign and ScienceX.
The eighth Chemicals Northwest Award dinner took place on the 22 March. The evening’s award trophies were the result of collaboration between Chemicals Northwest and academic member, Wirral Metropolitan College.